
Gradle has a very rich (and complex) dependency management system. It has enough power to address nearly any situation you come across, but can take an unexpected amount of research to get up to speed on how to do so.

This document will try to distill the key concepts that will affect your project.


Gradle takes the concept of configurations from Apache Ivy, which Gradle wrapped early in its development. In the years since, Gradle has significantly evolved their features, making the Configuration type a mishmash of various concepts.

In modern Gradle usage, a configuration is used for one of three purposes:

dependency bucket

A set of dependencies that are used in the same context (e.g. implementation, runtimeOnly).

resolvable configuration

Typically used for a classpath in a specific context. Extends one or more dependency buckets into a larger group. (e.g. compileClasspath, runtimeClasspath)

consumable configuration

Used to expose artifacts and variants produced by a project along with the dependencies, but again meant for a specific context. (e.g. apiElements, runtimeElements)

Configurations can be declared by the build script author:

configurations {
  myBucket {
    canBeResolved = false
    canBeConsumed = false
  implementation.extendsFrom myBucket

However, declaring them directly is rarely needed. Instead, rely on plugins that provide configurations for conventional use cases. Since configurations are largely useful in context, the configurations provided by a plugin are wired into other parts of Gradle (extensions and tasks) as appropriate for how they are meant to be used.

Default Configurations

In a typical Clojurephant project, you will be using the configurations provided by Gradle’s built-in Java plugins. In those plugins, the base set of dependency buckets are provided per source set.

Each source set gets the configurations described in the following sections. The main source set uses these bare names, while others source sets' configurations are prefixed with the source set name (e.g. testRuntimeOnly in the test source set).

Resolvable Configurations

Resolvable configurations are used to download dependencies and put them on a classpath during your build.

As you would expect from the names:


Used by any compilation-like tasks (including Clojurephant’s checkClojure, compileClojure, compileClojureScript)

Extends the following dependency buckets:

  • compileOnlyApi (java-library only)

  • api (java-library only)

  • compileOnly

  • implementation


Used by any task that runs your code (including Clojurephant’s clojureRepl)

Extends the following dependency buckets:

  • api (java-library only)

  • implementation

  • runtimeOnly

Consumable Configurations

Consumable configurations are used to export your built artifacts and the necessary dependencies to use them. They control what dependencies a downstream consumer will pull in transitively by depending on you.

What counts as a "downstream consumer"?

The two main places are:

  • Via project dependencies (project(":projPath")) by other projects within your Gradle build

  • Via regular Maven/Ivy dependencies after your project has been published to a repository

This includes composite builds.


Generally maps to compile scope in a Maven POM and used by a downstream project’s compileClasspath.

Exports the following dependency buckets transitively (java-library only):

  • compileOnlyApi

  • api

    Manually exporting additional configurations

    In some cases, your project may not apply java-library but still has a need to export compile-time dependencies to consumers. When you have this need, you can directly configure the apiElements configuration to extend additional configurations.

    A typical usage would be to export the implementation bucket:

    configurations {

Generally maps to runtime scope in a Maven POM and used by a downstream project’s runtimeClasspath.

Exports the following dependency buckets transitively:

  • api (java-library only)

  • implementation

  • runtimeOnly

Dependency Buckets

This chart breaks down what contexts each bucket’s dependencies are available in.

Remember that api and compileOnlyApi only exist if you apply the java-library plugin.
Configuration Self (Compile) Self (Runtime) Consumer (Compile) Consumer (Runtime)






Self (Compile) — compileClasspath

Dependencies your project needs to compile itself

Self (Runtime) — runtimeClasspath

Dependencies your project needs to run itself

Consumer (Compile) — apiElements

Dependencies a consumer would need to compile against your project

Only the java-library plugin exports dependencies in this context
Consumer (Runtime) — runtimeElements

Dependencies a consumer would need to run with your project

Rules of thumb


Most dependencies will be api, since downstream consumers will need them to load your namespaces at check/compile time. implementation should be reserved for dependencies only used by Java code where the dependency’s types aren’t exposed in method or class signatures.

Generally, libraries shouldn’t use runtimeOnly (on the main source set anyway) since consumers likely want the choice of what to include.

compileOnly and compileOnlyApi are also for fairly narrow use cases in Clojure libraries.


Most dependencies will be implementation because you’ll need them to load your namespaces.

runtimeOnly should be used for dependencies that are loaded dynamically or implement some interface that your namespaces (or dependencies) code against.

compileOnly would be limited to dependencies that are provided by the runtime you target. Typically, not relevant for Clojure as applications tend to bundle their runtimes.

Common use cases for runtimeOnly are logging backends (e.g. slfj-api as implementation and logback-classic as runtimeOnly).